
  • A Million Book Sales a Year.

    Each of the top books on The Times best-sellers list for the UK sells less than one million copies per annum. The top book was around 700k last year and Richard Osman had two books in the top four with… Continue reading

    A Million Book Sales a Year.
  • TV Cops. Then and Now.

    I was recently watching an old episode of a TV drama on that channel that is so useful for the researcher into recent history – Talking Pictures. A cop show from 1974 was too good a chance to miss while… Continue reading

    TV Cops. Then and Now.
  • Planes of Time (3) For All Mankind

    ‘For All Mankind’ is an American science fiction drama television series produced for Apple TV+ and I am a big fan. I believe it combines the good points of a drama series, a science fiction story and a political drama.… Continue reading

    Planes of Time (3) For All Mankind
  • Planes of Time (2)

    I promised to write about the TV series ‘For All Mankind’ and its use of the theory of there being different planes of time, but before I do that, I thought I would retell one story which I believe illustrates… Continue reading

    Planes of Time (2)
  • Planes of Time

    I would like to write a review of the Apple TV Series ‘For All Mankind’ because I feel that I have something to say and a couple of worthwhile points to make. But in order to get there, I need… Continue reading

    Planes of Time
  • Jack Reacher (and the Hobbitses)

    I enjoyed the recent Amazon Prime series – especially the casting and performance of Alan Ritchson as Jack Reacher. I confess to binge-watching both series… Continue reading

    Jack Reacher (and the Hobbitses)
  • I See You…

    I don’t usually do book reviews. Unless I am asked to or I feel a compelling need, which is very seldom. There are good reasons for me making this decision. Most of the books I read are widely read and… Continue reading

    I See You…
  • Marketing and Selling Your Books – Part Two

    Continuing the Thoughts and Experiences of an Amateur Self-Published Author: Book Promotion. Continue reading

    Marketing and Selling Your Books – Part Two
  • Marketing and Selling Your Books – Part One

    Having spent a couple of years accumulating experience of how to promote my books, I thought that other agency-free writers might benefit from these insights, especially those who may be struggling for ideas to promote their books. Continue reading

    Marketing and Selling Your Books – Part One
  • Mensa Club?

    Social Murderer is based around a puzzle so I thought you might like to try your hand at this one. Continue reading

    Mensa Club?
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